Race Time

Race Time – Simulating The Real

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The purpose of these Racing Videos is to target the gaming population with music from the Great Classical Musicians. From Beethoven, Mozart, J.S. Bach, Liszt, Chopin, Vivaldi, Handel, Haydn and many other divinely inspired classical musicians of old, I hope some of you who are unfamiliar with the mastery of these musicians will open your musical library to these extraordinary artists of the past.

There seems to be a complexity, divine passion, thoughtful reverence, and deep emotional quality in their music that stimulates the brain in ways differently than does today’s popular music. This neural stimulation in different regions of the brain may enhance analytical reasoning and boost creativity. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “The Mozart Effect”.

Though some studies have shed doubt on this effect, the music they chose were often the simpler classical piano pieces from Mozart. Other studies have made the correlation between the enhanced “out of the box” reasoning and creativity and the listening to the more complex, faster paced, and passionate Piano Concertos by Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and others…typically the 1st and 3rd movements.

“Simulating The Real” – I grew up with the first iteration of computer games – Pong, Atari and then the Commodore 64. Now, in a relatively short period of time considering the history of the thinking man, we have graphics so real…many of us can’t tell the difference. And this video game uses physics so close to reality, one might forget they’re actually just playing a video game. Thus, this will probably be the closest to reality that I’ll ever be able to drive cars with such prestige, craftsmanship, and legacy…and a commanding price tag.

For the Classical Enthusiasts, I completely understand the sound quality of these computer generated music files really don’t do justice in representing the Great Masters of Classical. These limited computer files lack the rich tonalities, expressiveness, and complex flourishing patterns you find in actual performances by humans. But I’m hoping that these will inspire non-classical listeners to look up actual performances by truly amazing human artists that populate YouTube. I’ll have links to some of my favorite performances of each piece presented in these videos.

If you’re interested in learning to play the piano and start your Musical Journey for Artistic Awakening, I’ve made several videos to give you the basics to teach yourself on your own time. You can search on my YouTube channel, or you can browse here on my website where I’ve organized all my music, lessons, and studies in an easy to follow layout.